Medium Acrylic on canvas Dimensions 32 x 42 inches
Category: Painting
Strawberry, Strawberry
Medium Acrylic on canvas Dimensions 16 x 20 inches Description
Frodo’s Quest Through Miro’s Dream
Medium Acrylic on canvas Dimensions 23 x 29 inches As Frodo’s quest through Miro’s dream
Tommy and Sally
Medium Acrylic on canvas Dimensions 18 x 24 inches Description
Donald goes to the dark web
Medium Acrylic on canvas Dimensions 18 x 24 inches Enraged with jealously at seeing his girl with another, Donald went down to the Darkweb, and using the private crypto-currency Monero, he bought augmentation weaponry and bio-hacked himself to get revenge, and try to heal his broken heart.
Bicycle Day
Medium Acrylic on Canvas Dimensions 16 x 20 inches This painting commemorates Albert’s fateful bicycle ride on April 19th
Super Villains
Medium Acrylic on canvas Dimensions 16 x 20 inches Exploring Perspective and Propaganda. Inspired by the old saying ” one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist”
The Madness of Crowds
Madness of Crowds inspired by the hype cycle, a group psychology of markets driven by fomo, greed, and panic.
CORNAN Versus Cerberus -Painting
Augmented Reality Layer via Artivive App
Bank of Babel
Medium Acrylic on board Dimensions 24 x 36 inches Breaking the shackles of the copyright cartel, Mickey uses bitcoin to burn down the towering Bank of Babel, not only freeing himself but freeing us all. NFT Sold, offers may be place on secondary market